Stuck on a deserted island: The ten movies I would bring.

You will need a long extension cord!

You will need a long extension cord!

Before we even start the list, I want to explain the concept so that there is no confusion; this is not a list of the ten best of all time. Nor is it a list of the best by genre. It is simply a list of the movies I would bring with me, or hope to find washed up on shore if I got marooned on a desert island with nothing but a DVD/Blu-Ray player. Because that happens all the time. These are some of my favorite movies, and they are movies I would watch again and again. The parameters for the choices were simple: What do I like. So calm down, and use this as a guide for your own list. What do you like? What would you like to watch over and over?

The list is in no particular order, and again it is by no means ranked.

The Godfather. Probably one of the best movies ever made, this look at the dysfunction that is the Corelone family is sweeping and engrossing. This is one of the films that ranks either one or two on every critics list, and is beyond a doubt a movie that I would watch over and over. The development of Michael from a college educated war hero who wants nothing to do with the “family” business to ruthless killer and mafia boss in the span of ten years is simply engrossing. Great characters, great actors and superb directing make this a must in my island collection.

Casablanca. Love, Bergman, Bogart, Nazis and a creepy Peter Lorre. What more could you ask for? This is a great movie because it plays to everyone, in such a way that you see what Rick has to do, but you still hope he gets the girl in the end. Is the story a little sappy? Sure, but that doesn’t take away from the fact that it is a good, strong tale about a man who is torn between “Love and virtue”. Round up the usual suspects!

Seven Samurai. A great story about duty, honor and service, often copied but never duplicated. Although The Magnificent Seven came very close. This gem directed by Akira Kurosawa is one of the best Action Adventure movies of all time, and the model for the entire genre. The wise veteran leader, the young wise guy trying to prove himself, the romance between one of the heroes and a member of the town, the bandits in the hills, all staples of the genre started right here. A great movie.

Singin’ in the Rain. Some consider this the greatest musical ever made, and I tend to agree. This has all the elements that make musicals so much fun: Singing, Dancing, Comedy, Romance and a silly plot! Great dance scenes and strong acting make this a favorite of mine. Gene Kelly had a 103 degree fever when he filmed the iconic dance scene over the course of a couple of days, not in one take as has been rumored.

Blade Runner. One of if not the best Science Fiction movie ever made. The tale of Rick Deckard, a retired “Blade Runner” who returns to duty to retire four replicants who return to Earth to try to prolong their life from the standard four-year cycle. A very bleak and dystopian look at our future, this film has so much going on it takes numerous viewings to get it all. Worth just for the Rutger Hauer monologue at the end of the film.

The Lord of the Rings Trilogy. I include all three movies because I have them in one box, so I consider it one movie as they tell the same story and also were filmed at the same time. This is a classic tale that I started to read as a teenager, and read at least once a year, and I watch these movies often. The rich drama and the vivid scenery make this a timeless story of good over evil, fulfilling your destiny and triumph of the spirit. the battle at Helm’s Deep is one of my favorite scenes of all time.

Citizen Kane. One of if not the best movie ever made. Full of innovations, the first movie from Orson Welles sets the bar high. The story of Charles Foster Kane, told in a series of flashbacks, was so ahead of its time that the impact is still felt to this day. At once sad and tragic, there is a feeling of aloneness that pervades the movie and the characters. All of the people in the life of Kane seem to end up sad and lonely, just glad to be away from him.

Star Wars: Episodes IV, V and VI. The original trilogy. Again it tells one complete story, and each movie has its own moments that still give me chills to this day. Fun, fast-paced, Action, Adventure, Romance and Ben Kenobi make this trilogy one of the best. Who hasn’t wished they had use of the Force, or wanted to see if they could make the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs?

Some Like It Hot. This movie is just funny. No question about it, one of the funniest movies ever made, and it is all due to the cast. Plus I could watch Marilyn Monroe all day long. A true star of the screen. Jack Lemmon and Tony Curtis nail it, and Joe Brown is a hoot as Osgood.

The Exorcist. This movie scares me to this day! I have problems watching this film because it is so creepy. But life on an island can not be all drama, singing and laughs!

And some that were close, but didn’t make the cut:

Jaws. On an island? Really?
Raiders of the Lost Ark. Great movie!
Henry V.
Robin Hood.
The Wizard of Oz.

I could go on and on. So what is your list? Any year any genre, just 10 films that you love. I would be interested to know. See you at the snack bar!

1 comment
  1. Kathleen said:

    OK – 10 that I could watch over and over, off the top of my head…

    The Quiet Man……Wayne and O’Hara at their finest
    A League of Their Own – I still cry at the end
    The Breakfast Club – everyone identifies with one of the characters, and knew at least one of the others
    Ferris Bueller’s Day Off – because life moves pretty fast
    The Philadelphia Story – Hepburn, Stewart and Grant. Perfect in every way!
    Goodfellas – Liotta is amazing
    Clerks – yes, there’s a Kevin Smith theme here
    History of the World Part I – the obligatory Mel Brooks
    Field of Dreams – Kevin Costner and baseball. Need I say more?

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